About Us
Royal Initiative Against Poverty and Starvation (RIAPS)
is a non-governmental organization (NGO), which specialises in providing the finest resources for the purpose of social economic development and inspiring members of society for value.
Our corporate goal is to help individuals, organizations and countries translate available human potential into personal, political, social and economic results. RIAPS unique global and local character, sponsors her ability to collaborate and work in concert with Global and Local Stakeholders to help accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals with a main focus on eradicating extreme poverty and hunger (SDG 1 and 2) by the year 2030.

RIAPS is hence, fully aligned to the SDG’s adopted by the United Nations Member States in 2015 in New York during the General Assembly.
Before RIAPS was officially born as an entity, our founder Dr. James Okpanachi, has been part of reformation and transformation in Nigeria and the Continent of Africa over the last 14 years; facilitating workshops, seminars, developing and releasing intellectual property towards the liberation of the African Continent from Poverty and Starvation. He was inspired by the Millennium Development Goals adopted by the United Nations Member States which was targeted at eradicating poverty from the then known “Third World” now “Developing Nations” by 2015. The extent of the “poverty puzzle” and the immense need to consolidate and collaborate led to the official birthing of RIAPS in May 2018. RIAPS has since held monthly interventions reflecting her passion to shift the trajectory of travel of the poor living in Africa. Our vision and mission are guided by the purposes and principles set in our founding constitution.