RIAPS Community Outreach Program
RIAPS mission is to inspire, educate and to equip ethnic minorities through workshops and entrepreneurship.
Due the rise in knife crime in London, we felt that we needed to put training in place to target the grass route problems within our community.
London has 8.6 million people and 44% are from the ethnic minority community.
Statistics on knife crime from 2011- 2019 show a rise involving knife or sharp instrument in England and Wales. 47,000 reported incidents in total. ‘House of Commons library’ Sept 2019-11-29.
We aim to empower the community by supporting government initiatives to improve the well being of target groups within the boroughs to enable them to go and integrate in society by skill building to increase employment rates and reduce dependency and make a positive impact within their community. We will identify and up skill to motivate them to be the best version of themselves.
Founders of You Programme have a vast amount of experience ranging from Family Support, Youth Work, Mentoring Youth, Outreach, Mental Health, Counselling experience
Building a society without poverty and hunger.
Further Education
- ESOL Classes
- First Aid workshops
- Empowerment /Confidence Building workshops
- Employability workshops
- Entrepreneurship development
- Monetize your ideas
- Young Entrepreneurship
- Starting Your Own Business
After completion participants are sign posted to the necessary route they wish to partake. We offer Mentoring, counselling, mental help support, child care, funding, job search, financial skills workshops.
We would like those from ethnic minorities to benefit from the service we provide to serve and build community through our workshops.
How it works
Monthly homeless outreach and feeding programs to support those within our target areas. We also hold regular entrepreneurship programs that include educational community inclusion workshops.
February 2021- Digital month in collaboration with Microsoft we offered free workshops to all primary school ages.